Friday, February 18, 2011

tell me why / who knew

tell me why
why do i fall into these traps
tell my why
do i feed off your scraps

tell me why

tell me why
do i love what you do
and hate what you think
and  hold on to what you say
 i despise what you drink

tell me why
oh why
do you lie
make me cry
make ME lie
but i still don't wanna make YOU cry
tell me why

tell me why
our love works
with all my qwerks
you're a jerk
i love  you and i don't know why

tell me why

why do i want to come home to you
why do i want to go home to you
we don't have a home
we don't have a purpose
but i love you and i don't know why
i want to die

i love God
i love nothing else
not even me
but you
i love you

hate me please me feed me
go on and lead m e
even if you don't know you're going to
that's what you're going to do
screw me, i love you

torch me
i love you
..and you love me too
...who knew